On this Day: Day 5 of W Trek in Torres Del Paine

The iconic photo at the Towers and, in all fairness, one of the few views photographed from that day as a lot of the walking was done in darkness! Day 5, our last day of…

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On this Day: Day 4 of W Trek in Torres del Paine

The penultimate day of hiking had arrived! Here’s me happy about the sunshine and forgetting about my tired feet! On Day Four of the W Trek, we hiked from Camp Frances to Camp Central, passing…

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On this Day: Day 3 of W Trek in Torres del Paine

Here’s me smiling at the Mirador Britanico viewpoint because we made it and the visibility was good. We could see the backdrop! On Day Three of the W trek, we hiked from Paine Grande to…

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On this Day: Day 2 of W Trek in Torres del Paine

This view over Lake Grey with Grey Glacier in the distance! Pretty stunning and very Patagonia! I’ve got to say even better in person, I felt so small. I remember reaching the top of the…

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On this Day: I started the W Trek in Torres del Paine

Note to self: Struggling to choose one photo per day is going to be a recurring theme. I feel like I mention the struggle every post – sorry! Day One of the W trek and…

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The W trek in Torres del Paine – packing list, costs and tips

Here is the second instalment for my 5 day W trek in Torres del Paine. In the first post I wrote about my experience of the W trek and how I (unbelievably!) managed to do…

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