I’ve spent the day, boxing and packing up a friend’s kitchen (why I’m a little late posting!), very differently to on my travels two years ago when I hiked to Refugio Frey.
It was another great hike (20km round trip) and, once again, the views were wonderful! I can never say the views were average – I’ve never been let down!
Initially, we’d planned to hike a circular loop to Refugio Frey. However, when we got off the bus in the starting village, the chairlifts we were expecting to go up on were closed! I found out they didn’t run at weekends! What a let down! I’d researched as much information as I could, yet I wasn’t to know this it seemed.
We hiked the other route and made good time to the top. Heck, I remember there being steep sections! It was possible to visit Refugio Frey as part of a multi-day hike. I did it as a day one, but I’d love to do it as part of a longer hike with a tent and sleeping bag. Perhaps next time!
Read more here about my stay in Bariloche and what else I got up to…