On this day: Street Art in Buenos Aires

A morning spent wandering the streets of Buenos Aires’ Palermo neighbourhood and seeing what street art and murals I came across.

street art in Palermo. Girl and small bird Buenos Aires

This one was my fave! I liked everything – the colours, the style, the design – about it! I’d actually been looking for a different piece which, in theory and according to the street art blog I was following, was in the exact same location. Confused, I asked the server at the cervecería if she could direct me to the street art I was looking for.

The immediate response “oh, the art has been changed and updated recently to this new piece”. As updates go, it was a beautiful one! I really enjoyed how some cafes and bars have hired artists to decorate their walls and exteriors. It creates a lovely vibe.

There’s something about cities and walking. Walking often feels the best way to explore the different neighbourhoods and areas of a city. I always end the day with tired feet and a higher than expected step count*. Anyone else see the same?

*Maybe more than expected, in part, because of the local tango classes I went to. When in Buenos Aires, I had to have several goes!

Follow this link to read more about my week in Buenos Aires
