This photo is from the Cajón del Azul in El Bolsón – where I spent the day following the river and walking through forest. It was a good day – peaceful, beautiful, and sunny! The clearness and colour of the water really makes me happy, especially in the sunshine! It’s flipping cold though! There were several refugios to stay at or camp along the way which I imagine would be lovely! A great place to go slow!
Transporting ourselves to the start point of the hike was less smooth. The frustration I felt after I got up purposefully early to catch a bus which then never showed?! A shared frustration amongst all of us waiting at the bus stop when we found out the bus was running at 12.30pm, and not the 7.30am we had been expecting. Since there was a group of us we solved the delayed bus complication by sharing taxis. And then we walked!
For the return journey to town, we’d planned on getting the evening bus back. As we waited, there was the thought that the situation that morning would repeat itself and no bus would come. We were all feeling doubtful! We decided to ask the few cars leaving the carpark if they could give us a lift which they were happy to. We hitched a lift back to town in two cars!