Scrolling back through my phone looking at photos of me with backdrops of snow-capped mountains and incredible blue lakes reminds me why I was extremely keen to visit Patagonia on my 10 month trip. It was a must visit area for me and, even having been, it continues to be. Sitting at home writing this, I’d go back in a heartbeat. There’s so much more there that I’d love to see as well as return to places I’d been to stay longer, camp and do more multi day hikes.
This photo is from my day hike up to Cerro Castillo. I got very lucky with the weather and this view was spectacular. I sat at the top for hours just taking my surroundings in. The hike itself involved a lot of uphill. I was feeling my legs quite quickly and adopted the frequent pauses to drink water approach.
I made it to the top in good time with two guys who I’d met at the start of the trail. That’s one of the things I loved about the backpacking community: the join in attitude. I’d start a hike solo and very quickly meet others on the trail to continue the hike with. (It was also handy when I reached the top to have someone take a photo of me and vice versa for them!).
Compared to El Chaltén and Torres del Paine, the Cerro Castillo area is much quieter and hiked less. I did the day hike and moved on to my next destination quickly. Though looking back now, if I’d had camping equipment with me, I would have been interested in the multi day hikes around Cerro Castillo.
I returned to Villa Cerro Castillo town around mid-afternoon. My original idea was to stay another night and get the bus to Coyhaique the following day. Back at the hostel, I very quickly changed my mind, packed up, and went to the main road to wait for a bus. A girl I’d met on the hike joined me and, after not much waiting, we were able to hitchhike! It was fun talking to the driver about random things in life and his grandchildren, and heck did we reach Coyhaique fast. I mean really fast! He sped along the roads like a pro and I was very glad that he drove the route often and for seatbelts!
If you’re interested, you can read more about my Cerro Castillo day hike here!