Hola everyone! Super exciting news for me: I’m back in South America!!! I flew out from London on 13th Feb and am currently sat in my Buenos Aires hostel writing this – eekkk!
If you’ve been reading my other posts, you might be a bit confused as to why I’m saying I’m back when my most recent blog posted a week ago was about Brazil. Well, in a nutshell, all my previous posts were about my ten week South American adventure in 2017.
Yep, I know that’s a long time ago now but it took me a while to get my act together. It was an aim of mine to blog about my first time in South America. Despite my slowness, I ignored the months and months which had gone by and decided to still go ahead and write about my experiences. Go ahead and have a read if you’d like!
I spent 2018 working my first full time job and saving money to fund my future travels. When deciding upon a direction and continent I did briefly consider Asia. However, South America very quickly became the only contender with my ten weeks in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil in 2017 fuelling my eagerness to return and see more of South America.
Things are a little different this time around. For starters I’m exploring different places; I hope to visit Argentina, Chile, Northern Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.
I’m also having a go at solo travel – yikes! I’m eager (and slightly nervous) to see how it goes as I really enjoyed having a travel buddy last time. I’m definitely hoping what everyone says about solo travel is true and I meet lots of people to share my adventures with.
And finally I have no return flight booked. This is because I decided having no fixed return date would enable my trip to be as open and flexible as possible. I’m guesstimating my route will take 4-5 months and I’ll review my return plans at a later date.
The last thing to say is that I’m hoping to blog as I travel this time so keep your eyes peeled for more posts (if you’re interested of course!).
Han xx