Hello everyone!
Here goes nothing…welcome to my travel blog and my first post. Gotta admit I’m feeling quite nervous writing this but hey everyone has to start somewhere right!
So, yes this is another travel blog joining the worldwide web (please don’t groan!!), so you might be wondering why read this one?! Read on to find out more about me, why I love travelling, where I’d love to go and why I’m writing this blog.
8 things about me:
- My name is Hannah, I’m 23 years old and live in London.
- I’m a triplet – before you ask, no we’re not identical but I am the oldest (by a minute!).
- I studied Spanish and French at Leeds University and graduated last year.
- I spent a year living in the south of Spain working as an English teaching assistant for the British Council. I’ve always enjoyed travelling and going abroad but this might have been when I really caught the travel bug. I was lucky enough to travel at the weekends, from a multitude of Spanish cities to Morocco, Italy and Portugal.
- Despite studying French at degree level, it still scares me – ridiculous I know!
- I’m a fan of ballroom and latin dancing.
- I love love love open landscapes and epic scenery.
- Put me under a starry night sky and I’m a happy girl.
8 reasons why I love travelling and would love to travel more:
- The world is a huge place waiting to be explored. I love discovering new places, cultures, landscapes, experiences, food….
- The opportunity to meet people from all over the world.
- To broaden my perspective on life and open up new doors which I previously might not have considered.
- To grow as a person and live outside my comfort zone. Travel presents new challenges and shakes up routines.
- It sounds cheesy – to learn more about myself and the world I live in. It is often said that travel is the best form of education.
- To take charge and trust my own capabilities. When I’m at home, I automatically rely on and use friends and family as sounding boards – especially my fabulous sister! Travelling will help me to listen to myself and trust my own judgement.
- Simply, it’s fun and gives me a buzz!
- And finally there is no time like the present! I don’t want to be the person always saying “I’ll do it tomorrow” (it’s happened enough with this blog already!) and then never doing it.
Where would I like to go?
A tricky question! Can I answer everywhere?! I came across the following quote in a wonderful cafe in Bolivia’s La Paz city. It’s my travel dreams in a nutshell – I’m constantly discovering new places and my list just keeps growing and growing. In fact, my list is longer now than it has ever been before!

Anyone else feel the same?
Last autumn, I went to South America with a friend for 10 weeks visiting Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. When the time came to fly home, all I wanted was to keep going. So, I would absolutely love to return to South America and continue my journey with Chile, Argentina and Colombia topping my South America destination list so far.
Speaking of other continents, I would love to go east and explore Far East Asia: Indonesia, Bali, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar….to name a few. If I manage to get to that corner of the world and as a lover of jaw-dropping landscapes, New Zealand would be a dream to explore and experience.
My Blog
Starting a travel blog has been in the pipeline for a while now. I kept a blog of sorts when I was in Spain for a year mainly to keep a record of what I did and so my family and friends could see what I got up to. I really enjoyed writing it and the feedback I received from family and friends was positive; they liked reading it. I’m hoping this was genuine and they weren’t just being nice!
Fast-forward a few years and I’m starting a travel blog. I’m writing this blog to document my past travels and future adventures, and also to hopefully offer advice and tips to other travellers out there. I’ve really appreciated tips from other travel bloggers in the past, from what to pack and transport advice to where to go for amazing views, so I hope to able to return the favour with my own take on it. Plus, starting any blog is a challenge – I’d like to give it my best shot, learn and develop new skills and have something to call my own.
Just patted myself on the back for finishing the first one, baby steps!! Anyway, thanks for reading and fingers crossed I’ll be able to make this into something and not just a one post blog!
Hannah x
P.S. If you’d like to know more about me (I hope you do!), head over to my About page 🙂